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[Other resourcewavelet-vc++6

Description: 小波变换程序源代码,可以处理一维数据和二维图像数据。通过小波变换将低频信息提取出来。-wavelet transform source code, can handle data and one-dimensional two-dimensional image data. Through the wavelet transform to low-frequency information is extracted.
Platform: | Size: 79612 | Author: 林涛 | Hits:


Description: 完整小波变换类,包括一个头文件,实现文件和一个readme文件-Complete wavelet transform categories, including a header file, files and a readme file
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 关东 | Hits:


Description: 一个利用小波变幻实现滤波的算法-a wavelet filter changes the algorithm to achieve
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 吴灏翰 | Hits:


Description: VC图像处理的一些基本算法及小波变换源码-VC image processing algorithms and some basic wavelet transform FOSS
Platform: | Size: 6324224 | Author: 邢践 | Hits:


Description: VC++小波变换技术与工程实践源代码-VC wavelet transform technology and engineering practice source code
Platform: | Size: 986112 | Author: 王晓东 | Hits:


Description: VC++小波变换技术与工程实践源代码-VC wavelet transform technology and engineering practice source code
Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: 王晓东 | Hits:


Description: VC++小波变换技术与工程实践源代码-VC wavelet transform technology and engineering practice source code
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 王晓东 | Hits:


Description: VC++小波变换技术与工程实践源代码-VC wavelet transform technology and engineering practice source code
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 王晓东 | Hits:

[WaveletA wavelet based multiresolution algorithm for rota

Description: dwt小波变换,用于对图像的处理与压缩-dwt wavelet transform, for the image processing and compression
Platform: | Size: 1740800 | Author: 石开 | Hits:

[WaveletWavelet analysis in a traffic model

Description: dwt小波变换用于图像处理与压缩-dwt wavelet transform for image processing and compression
Platform: | Size: 3714048 | Author: 石开 | Hits:


Description: 关于小波的图像分析的源码-on wavelet analysis of the source image
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: 何坦 | Hits:


Description: 将一个m文件转成c /cpp文件并在VC中进行编译。这种方法有个烦人的地方,每次你都需要把matlab生成的一 大堆c和h文件考到vc中,比如我读入一副图片先做膨胀,再腐蚀,再进行小波变换,最后 显示。这样一个程序会生成大概150多个文件,每次都要拷贝这些文件很不方便。我试着用 了另外一种方法,可以简化这些工作。那就是不生成cpp文件交给VC去编译,而是直接在m atlab中生成一个dll交给VC去链接即可。这样无论matlab生成多少文件,都只需要拷贝三 个文件即可。 -m to a document conversion c/cpp files and compile VC. Such a method is a nagging place every time you need Matlab has generated a lot of c and h vc document examination, for example, I read a photo, first expansion, and corrosion, further wavelet transform, the last show. Such a procedure will probably generate more than 150 documents, each copy of these documents must be very inconvenient. I tried another kind of approach can simplify their work. It is not generating cpp documents to the VC to compile, but m atlab directly in the formation of a dll to the VC to link. No matter how many documents generated Matlab, only three need to copy documents.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李震 | Hits:


Description: 该程序能实现数字图象处理中的很多功能,例如图象复原,小波变换等等!-procedures to achieve the digital image processing of many functions, such as image restoration, wavelet transform, etc.!
Platform: | Size: 801792 | Author: 朱先强 | Hits:


Description: 小波变换的visual c++实现源代码,有效实现了小波的快速变换,得到很好的恢复图像,是个很有价值的源程序。-wavelet transform visual c achieve source code, the effective realization of the fast wavelet transform, well restored images, is a valuable source.
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 寒塘 | Hits:

[Picture Viewervc编写的小波正反变换的源码

Description: 用VC写的一个小波正反变换.新一代静止图像压缩标准JPEG2000将离散小波变换(DWT)作为其核心变换技术.-VC write a wavelet transform pros. A new generation of geostationary JPEG2000 image compression standard of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) as its core technology transformation.
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: 阿良 | Hits:


Description: 利用VC++对一维信号进行小波分解,然后重够,并且可以选择小波和分解的层数-VC++ on a peacekeeping signal wavelet decomposition, and then heavy enough, and can choose wavelet decomposition and the floors
Platform: | Size: 4705280 | Author: 秦先勇 | Hits:


Description: 小波变换程序源代码,可以处理一维数据和二维图像数据。通过小波变换将低频信息提取出来。-wavelet transform source code, can handle data and one-dimensional two-dimensional image data. Through the wavelet transform to low-frequency information is extracted.
Platform: | Size: 2193408 | Author: 林涛 | Hits:


Description: 使用VC环境编写的一维小波变换程序,适用于数字语音方面.-use VC prepared by the one-dimensional wavelet transform procedures apply in the digital pronunciation.
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: Brad | Hits:


Description: VC开发的小波程序4层分解,可通过文件与matlab里对比,完全符合,可用于降噪
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: 安哲 | Hits:

[Special Effectswavelet

Description: 程序可以实现小波变换,行,列变化,高,低通滤波变换。 VC实现,VC6.0可直接运行。-wavelet change
Platform: | Size: 2667520 | Author: joy | Hits:
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